
The first thing that struck me about Zach was how he was somehow simultaneously enthusiastic and relaxed about participating right from the start. That same enthusiasm seems to apply to just about everything he does, but that laid back calm kicked in when discussing his vitiligo; colloquially know as 'his spots'. Vitiligo falls in the category of autoimmune conditions and it's estimated that between 0.2 and 1 percent of the world population has it. Plainly put, it's the absence of melanin in areas of the skin.
When asked about his relationship with it, he explained "I used to have very negative feelings for it. When I saw a dermatologist as a kid he basically just told me you have it, nothing you can do about it, move on. My parents always just told me it made me unique. Now I love to track the progress". He elaborated on that last part, about how it has changed over the years, ebbed and flowed in different areas. Disappeared entirely in some and grown to cover more skin in others. "Literally no one’s hands look like mine. Weirdly, I’ve always had hand-central hobbies and jobs. Cooking, axe throwing, recently leather work. When I used to teach cooking, people always commented on it". He doesn't seem at all put out to talk to others about it either and even spun it positively - "Never be afraid to compliment the spots! Ask me about it. It's a widely ignored condition."
Final thoughts:
"I'm a rare case of vitiligo being white", alluding to it being less common (or less noticeable) on caucasian skin. "in POC communities it can have a devastating effect on the mental health for folks who have it". It can have a more severe impact in marginalized communities who have already had to face discrimination and 'other-ness'. It's very visible and not easily treatable. Treatments include phototherapy, corticosteroids, some medications and in extreme cases, skin grafts. However, with more and more representation in the public eye the hope is for more people to appreciate 'their spots'. For more information and support, visit
Zach and his business partner (oddly enough also named Zach) have joined forces and just opened Real Friends BBQ. They offer catering and BBQ Popups across Ontario with incredible low and slow Southern-style BBQ with some Canadian twists and flavours. Check them out on Instagram - @realfriendsbbq