
The road through life that Anthony has been on is a bit of a wild ride. We met outside the shop at You're Welcome Tattoos in Cabbagetown and soaked up a little sun while we talked before heading across to grab a pint at the pub. The story starts with an elbow surgery to manage some fluid build-up and soft tissue damage. He had also had a recent injury where there was a separation of muscle from bone in his left thigh leaving some uncomfortable looking bruising even weeks later. Topping that off with some challenges with mental health earlier in his life, you can see that it's been an arduous path.
There was a bit of kinship right away as we share very similar scars, both on the left elbow; both of us being left-handed to boot. Post-surgery, he was comfortable with the scar initially, but in his own words "Well the elbow came up unexpectedly. Glad I had a great Dr. to patch me up. The first 2 years or so I enjoyed baring the scar and telling people about it when they would ask. But then I got tired of it and decided to cover it up and tell better stories. It took a lot of thought. But then the idea of the caduceus came up. It covered the scar, beautiful design, now it was time to find the perfect artist. For over a year I knew about You're Welcome Tattoos. I passed by it almost everyday while biking. Then one day I decided to step in. I was speaking with another artist there and explained what I want. The three artists that were there all said Katt. After a few e-mails back and forth we came up with a consultation time and booked the appointment. What Katt did exceeded all expectations. I finally felt like this was the beginning of something great and the beginning of a journey".
Sitting in the shop lobby while Katt handled some other customers showed how diverse the patrons can be. The middle-aged guy contingent of Anthony and I, a 30 something film industry designer and two nice young ladies up from the US to catch a Jay's game. There was an instant friendliness in the air and everyone chatted like they were old friends. The gent with the 'Drums vs Flats' chicken wing tattoo can take a bit of credit for getting conversation going as everyone knows that's such a polarizing topic.
Anthony also spoke freely about how he had struggled with depression and anxiety. "For quite a few years I suffered from deep depression and anxiety. After several attempts with therapists and different cocktails of drugs, my Dr. and I finally found the recipe. Skies slowly started clearing. With the tremendous help of my family the meds slowly starting kicking in. After a few months the grey skies were partly cloudy. Once I started the first session with Katt the skies cleared. This was the final piece I needed. From there on in I am continuing to write the story with remarkable artwork from Katt. I can walk in, give her a quick description and it's like she can read my mind and then some. So with the help of meds, my family and Katt I have finally crawled out of hell." He continued to explain further "With all the work Katt has done, the relationship gets closer. Each tattoo is unique and portrays my story. It was a barrier breaker for me. It was liberating and made me confident. It feels like it is providing the pieces of a much bigger puzzle."
Final Thoughts:
"So far everyting has been positive. Random strangers are just amazed at the detail. I always enjoy talking with people about them. Before I was just a ghost in the crowd. If you're considering one, or 15, I say go for it. Cliche, I know, but you only live once. Embrace it, show the world and don't give a fuck about their opinions. I think the stigma of tattoos has passed. Everywhere you look, someone has one. Wehterh a small ladybug or full sleeves. If you have ever considered one over a period of time then it's about time you get one."
You're Welcome Tattoos can be found on Insta here. To see Katt's work specifically, check here.