
Alex can be described, first and foremost, as a storyteller; beyond that, identity can be a bit of a tricky topic. He's a teacher, perpetual student, tour guide, former resident of the Eastern Block, and psoriasis sufferer. To be more specific, he has variations of Guttate and Plaque psoriasis and it is developing into Psoriatic arthritis. The latter can come with complications leading to loss of joint function and can be quite painful. There is currently no cure, only plans and treatments to manage symptoms.
He speaks about many things in a direct, matter of fact, manner. He partly blamed his Slavic roots but he can't help let his boisterous personality shine through. His relationship to his condition is no exception, "It’s there as a part of me, very much like a left thumb or right bicep. It is sometimes “unsightly” in my own judgement, sometimes just plain uncomfortable, but generally, it’s just kinda there.” While we were shooting, conversation went all over the map and at one point he said he saw it as a distraction at times, like it would be if you were to wear a Hawaiian shirt to a funeral. Not outright offensive, but somehow feeling inappropriate for the situation. He wears his signature jacket out when he runs his Graffiti Alley tours (book him for one of these!) partly to help keep the focus on the art and off his arm.
Asked about whether there has been any positive impact from it, the answer was straight up "I have discovered more volunteering opportunities where I met some phenomenal and inspirational people. And my psoriasis made me want to get more and more tattoos, which I find as a positive impact." The tattoo sleeve on his right arm seems to blend his skin in all states into one homogenous texture.
Final thoughts:
"Just ask if you’re curious, but don’t make assumptions. If you’re making assumptions, keep them to yourself. Before saying something to anyone about their appearance, think if you’d feel comfortable if a child asked you the same question. If you think it will be awkward, then it probably will be. Doesn’t mean you should ask, but be ready to be awkward."
If you want to spend a few hours learning about the amazing street art and the artists behind it, or see Toronto on one of his other city tours, hit him up on his Facebook page or on his Instagram account (you won't regret it!)